Tuesday 24 September 2019

Greta Thunberg SPEAKS!!!

  Greta is a fellow student from the other side of the world who is bravely speaking some of our thoughts in front of grown ups who 
have the power to make the changes needed!!
Please watch this with family and friends and have a discussion.  Share your thoughts here on the Blog or in class.
Could you make any small changes in your life to help?  
If so, what?
I look forward to hearing any comments or questions!!


  1. i think she is a great girl dispuest to give her hard to save all of us and our world.he is doing this for us and for her life.i would never belive that one day a girl so epatic would go out to the street and fight for our world. thanks greta,sofia salazar 5c

  2. IT is awesome how she is so consius about it
    IDOL 😎

  3. Thank you so much for making comments! It is good to know you are using the Blog and even better to know what you think!!


Final topic in Math for 2019

Hey kids,  Here is a brief review of our final topic in mathematics.  You will need to become familiar with these for your future in Middle...