Thursday 28 November 2019

Final topic in Math for 2019

Hey kids, 
Here is a brief review of our final topic in mathematics.  You will need to become familiar with these for your future in Middle School so let us review!

Key Vocabulary Mean, Median and Mode


Tuesday 26 November 2019

Exhibition Prep- The Final Phase!!! A FEW TIPS!

Exhibition 2019- SHARING THE PLANET

Hello students,
 As we are entering into our final weeks of classes it is essential that we are all very clear on our final goals in sucessfully concluding this very big project called, Exhibition!

Many of you have worked extremely hard and are on task while others may need a gentle reminder of what we need to do on finishing.
Be sure you have included all elements of the PYP in your project- use this guide to help you identify them so you will be fully prepared to discuss this during your presentation.

Remember this is YOUR work!

Be a Risk Taker!
Work with your team to create a display or space which invites, excites and teaches your audience something new! Your display must be clear, organized AND COMPLETE!  Click this link that we reviewed together in class to assist you with ideas. Make your display & station an unforgettable experience!

Do not read your report, talk confidently with the audience- this requires PRACTICEYour duration of your presentation in ENGLISH, is 20 minutes.

Focus! Breathe! BE BOLD!  FEEL EMPOWERED to share your experience! Share not just your research but how you struggled and overcome!

Remember your obligation is to complete your project for our presentation.  If you will struggle to conduct your action plan, inform your teacher who may be able to support you in facilitating your action at another time, what is important is that you have a plan ready!!
Image result for clipart calendar december 2019

REMEMBER... on December 10th at 9am
Mark your calander!

Best Wishes to everyone on your hard work and cheers to a great finish!!
Remember your teachers, mentors and parents are beside you cheering your on... we are both excited & proud of you as you work towards finishing!!

Wednesday 20 November 2019


Hi kids,
I know that you have been working on poetry in Spanish class... here are some important things for you to review from your teachers!
Have fun learning!
Miss Noelle

Todo es Poesía…
La poesía es un género literario apreciado como una expresión de belleza, o sentimiento artístico a través de la palabra en forma de verso o prosa. 
 En Chile podemos encontrar a reconocidos poetas que han elevado esta tierra a reconocimientos internacionales incluso cuando era un lugar poco visualizado por el mundo

Una persona destacada fue doña Gabriela Mistral, cuyo nombre real fue Lucila Godoy Alcayaga, ella fue una poeta, pedagoga y diplomática chilena que fue la primera mujer de Iberoamérica que obtuvo el Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1945 y que dejó un gran legado para la enseñanza y la educación pública,  pero también para las letras de América Latina.
Parte de este legado fueron los poemas que escribió para los niños, pues, entre otras cosas, fue maestra rural por cerca de 15 años.
Lee y luego observa en el video el poema de esta autora “¿En Dónde Tejemos la Ronda?”

Monday 11 November 2019

Probablity Practice- Reinforcement- HW

Letter probability & frequency in a piece of News
  1. Cut and paste a piece of news in your notebook.
  2. Select- underline 10 words
  3. Create a frequency table (or Tally Chart) of letters
  4. Based on your analysis, show the fraction-decimal and %
  5. Create a summary statement 
  6. Repeat this activity to decide probability that these letters will recur throughout the article.



Image result for field of poppies

What IS Remembrance Day?

Remembrance Day was originally called Armistice Day or in some countries Vetrans Day, ANZAC, Jour de Souvenir, etc. and is observed on the 11th day of the 11th month, November 11th in many countries around the world. At the 11th hour on this day, we pause to remember the brave soldiers who fought and died.
This date and time marks the moment that World War I ended.  We pause in this moment to remember the fighting and loss which paid the price for freedom, democracy, liberty and justice.   We hold hope that we do not repeat this sorts of events again and hold our liberties dear in honor of those that laid down their lives for their country.

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Percent Review- Formula

Hi kids,
Here is a review of percentage.
Below you should find,
1. what is means,
2. the basic fractions and their percantages that we must know from memory and finally, 
3. how to solve it with a formula.

Image result for what is percent
Image result for what is percentImage result for what is percent

Image result for what is percent

Monday 4 November 2019


Hey kids,
  We have a new topic... PROBABILITY! What does that mean?

Probability is the chance that something will happen, or how likely it is that an event will occur. When we toss a coin in the air, we use the word probability to refer to how likely it is that the coin will land with head's side up.
Image result for legos random blocks

  If there are 7 legos on the table. What is the probability that you might choose a yellow lego??
What steps should we follow to try and decide how likely it would be that I choose a yellow lego??

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Image result for probability posters

Image result for define probability in math for kids

Math review

Hey kids, 
We hope you are happy back at school!!
Here are a few posters (& games) to help remind you about our final topics in Maths this year.
Please review and practice online when possible. 
 If you are experiencing any difficulties please leave a comment in the box below so we can work with you or offer new support right here in the blog.
Have fun learning!


Related image

GAME- Measure & predict Angles


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GAMES- Triangle Review


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Perimeter of any shape- ADD UP ALL THE SIDES!

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Image result for perimeter of any shape


Fraction Review
Image result for types of fractions

To Add or Subtract you must find a common denominator

Image result for addition of fractions


Final topic in Math for 2019

Hey kids,  Here is a brief review of our final topic in mathematics.  You will need to become familiar with these for your future in Middle...