Monday 30 September 2019

Writing Styles

Hey kids,
  After working through a variety of TRINITY exams it seems we must pause and review some grammar.
  It is very clear that we must distinguish between different types of writing.

We will review the following...
1. Essay
2. News Article
3. Letter
4. Email
5. Story
6. Biography


Hey kids,
  Many of you have been working super hard so here are a few things to help you check and edit your work.
Be sure you include all elements of the PYP!!
We hope you are having fun team building and learning about your topic!! Please do not hesitate to ask questions or for help at any time!!

Please do not forget to include...
1. What is your issue?
2. How is it connected to the Transdisciplinary theme?
3. Please explain why you selected this issue- each member of the group may have a different point of view, if so, it is important to acknowledge this.
3. Please share your Central Idea, Lines of Inquiry and Key Concepts
4. Include definitions, ways you have researched or gained information such as interviews, surveys, social experiments, etc.
4. Please make a list of any upcoming plans such as things you may need to finish like interviews-surveys and your ACTION PLAN.

It is very important to consider that this work/product is interdisciplanary. This means that traditional subjects must be included in the final product.  Reflect along the process and be sure to identify where these areas are present or ways they could enhance your work. 

Some examples are as follows...
-Math (tables, graphs, surveys, statistics),
-English (your written report)/Spanish (interviews conducted in Spanish to non-English speakers),
-Geography (demographics, show maps),
-Social Studies, 
-Health and Nutrition, 
-Religious Studies, and
-TICS (computing and technology).

Tuesday 24 September 2019

Greta Thunberg SPEAKS!!!

  Greta is a fellow student from the other side of the world who is bravely speaking some of our thoughts in front of grown ups who 
have the power to make the changes needed!!
Please watch this with family and friends and have a discussion.  Share your thoughts here on the Blog or in class.
Could you make any small changes in your life to help?  
If so, what?
I look forward to hearing any comments or questions!!

Wednesday 11 September 2019

You too may be an artist!!! Take a look!!

Hey kids,
 As always we try to explore and find new ways to inspire your work & interest... 
I think I have found something very special!! 

Consider the following questions as you watch the clip!
Do you have a connection to art?  Are you creative?  If so, in which ways?  Do you think you could be more creative if given the chance?

Let´s take a look!!  If you have any questions or comments please share them below!  Have fun exploring art and your own creativity!

We Remember 9/11

Today is a day of Remembrance... 
In 1973, something happened right here in Chile... political changes were made by military force setting democracy aside for many years.

28 years later another tragedy happened in another country. A normal morning suddenly impacted by the unimaginable, caused us all to stop... 

Though many years have gone by these tremendous events have taught us many things, hopefully we are all left with an important lesson.

(Children, we encourage you to talk with your families about what happened, what is happening in our world around us right now and try to find new ways each day to share kindness and goodness.)
Please share your thoughts with us in the comment box or right here in class!

Tuesday 10 September 2019

Math Review- LINES, Perimeter- Area

Hey kids,
  Besides knowing our multiplication tables VERY WELL, it is also very important to learn/review and study different algorithms and facts to help us approach problem solving!!
Have fun singing and rapping and applying your knowledge both in and out of class!!


Hey kids, 
 As always I like to share the wise words of Dr Seuss, 
¨The more you know, the more you grow!¨
So here are some additional resources that might further your knowledge or inquiry in to the world of exploration.
Have fun exploring!

Broad History of Exploration
Technology & Exploration
Modern Day Exploration
Frontiers Awaiting Exploration

Monday 9 September 2019

Checklists for this UOI4 (TICS & Storywriting)

Hey kids, 
Please refer to this checklist as you continue working. This will help guide you to a complete result.  If you have something extraordinary to share please feel free to include it as well but be sure it is relevant to your task!
FA UOI4 Social Studies Research/project TICS-After researching your explorer you must create a report including the following details.

Biography- dates-main events-places 5 pts

Exploration-Routes- map-means of travel  3pts

Technology- Any device/object that was created or used to facilitate exploration.  3 pts

Inspiration- What motivated your explorer to seek adventure and explore? 3 pts

Connection- What is their legacy? Why do we still study them now? 4 pts

Cite your source 1 pt 

> 3 sources used 1 pt

No wikipedia 1 pt

No copy-paste / copy translator 2pts

Total /23 points

2019 Summative Assessment UOI4 English (Inquiry)
Children are invited to write a story where they transform basic facts into a fictitious narrative related to Americas discovery. (Minimum elements must include places, names, dates, main events, etc.)  a loose connection to the facts we can confirm through investigation but fictional-add plenty of details to elaborate the story.
Goal WRITING- This fictional story (based on history) must be exciting, tragic, dynamic, your best work yet! Grammar- proper sentences/ paragraphs,  past tense, connectors, adjectives, powerful verbs, capital letters, etc.
(*If we have time- Formative Activity- After story writing,  we ask kids to share with group. They vote and select one, transform it into a script and perform it in class with props.)
Yes /No

Story Structure (Introduction, body, conclusion)

Drama/Action >5 powerful verbs 

Relevant Date

Relevant Place

Historical event included

Proper Sentence Structure

4-5 Paragraphs

Punctuation (.,´!?)

Capital Letters 

>5 Adjectives

Past Tense

>5 Connectors

Thursday 5 September 2019


                     What is Impressionism?

How to blend paint-colours (Intro to Impressionism)

First simple lesson to make your first Impressionistic style work

Claude Monet style... give it a try

Further Resources (click to open*)
The MET- Impressionism


Seascapes painted in Impressionist styles (click here*)

Final topic in Math for 2019

Hey kids,  Here is a brief review of our final topic in mathematics.  You will need to become familiar with these for your future in Middle...