Thursday 27 June 2019

What does it mean to be healthy?

Do YOU have a healthy lifestyle?
How do you know? What do you do to maintain a healthy body and mind?
Lets reflect about our own lives and what is happening in the world.  What are people doing to try to live healthier!

You are not restricted to these news sites... you may search to find conclusions.

Your Goal today after reading & researching is to create a mindmap of ways people arouind the world are trying to live healthier. You may use G-drawings or anyother program you know...
Thanks & Have fun!

Image result for japan forest walking




The Telegraph

Monday 17 June 2019

Hey kids,
Here is just a friendly reminder to promote self care and show respect towards others. We are a big school family and spend a lot of time together, let´s make it a good time!
 Your loving teachers!

A Friendly Reminder...

Monday 10 June 2019

WILF, WALT & TIB... friends that help us INQUIRE

Hey kids, 
Besides starting our unit with What I Know and then setting goals or identifing points of interest by stating What I want to know, we must try to include the following friends along our learning journey!! 
 Please take a look!  
How do you think we could include WALT, WILF and TIB in our activities.

Walt, Wilf and Tib are short names or nicknames in English.
We will have a contest in junior school to create the 3 characters. Get thinking, get creative.
You will earn House POINTS for participating and the chosen drawing will win more!!!

You can earn  for sharing your ideas!

Final topic in Math for 2019

Hey kids,  Here is a brief review of our final topic in mathematics.  You will need to become familiar with these for your future in Middle...