Tuesday 16 April 2019

Central America- What is happening to our neighbours? (5B Inquiry- hw)

Hey kids,
After reading some of our book A Long Walk to Water we have had many discussions leading us to more inquiry about our neighbours in South America and today our friends in Central America.

1. What is happening there? 
(Think social- political-economical)
(Sharks- Guatemala, Bunnies- Honduras, Bears- Salvador)
2. What is a NPO? 
Can you identify one from Chile and another one from around the world?

Resultado de imagen para map of central america


  1. Thank you miss by isidora campos

  2. I love the book a long walk to water Thank you for maje a now about this increribable book
    Thank you miss scarleth
    I love you as my miss camila lopez

  3. We are all so happy that you remain interested in learning more about the world though books and reading! Being open minded will help you continue to make connections and be sensitive to what is going on around us!! Well Done!! Miss N


Final topic in Math for 2019

Hey kids,  Here is a brief review of our final topic in mathematics.  You will need to become familiar with these for your future in Middle...